on George W. Bush

43rd U.S. President

Best Books on George W. Bush, 43rd U.S. President

Writings about the President and His Administration


Aikman, David.

Man of Faith; The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush.

Nashville, Tenn.: W Pub. Group, 2004. BR516.A452004


Baker, Peter.

Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House.

New York: Doubleday, 2013. 800p. E902.B3532013


Draper, Robert.

Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush.

New York: Free Press, 2007. 463p. E902.D732007


Frum, David.

Right Man: An Inside Account of the Bush White House.

New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2003. E903 .F78 2003c


Kengor, Paul.

GOD and George W. Bush: A Spiritual Life.

New York: ReganBooks, 2004. BR516.K39 2004


Kessler, Ronald.

A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush.

New York: Sentinel, 2004. E903.3.K472004


Minutaglio, Bill.

First Son: George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty.

New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001. 388p. F391.4.B87M562001


Moens, Alexander.

The Foreign Policy of George W. Bush: Values, Strategy, and Loyalty.

Burlington, Vermont, 2004. 227p. E902.M6252004


Natsios, Andrew S. and Andrew H. Card, eds.

Transforming Our World: President George H. W. Bush and American Foreign Policy.

Lanam, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020. E881


Works by the President

General, Published Papers


Bush, George W.

41: A Portrait of My Father.

New York: Crown Publishers, 2014. 294p. E882.B862014


Bush, George W.

A Charge to Keep.

New York: Morrow, 1999. F391.4.B87A3 1999


Bush, George W.

Decision Points.

New York: Crown Publishers, 2010. 497p. E903.A32010


Bush, George W.

George W. Bush on God and on Country: The President Speaks Out About Faith, Principle, and Patriotism.

Fairfax, VA: Allegiance Press, 2004. 266p. BR516.B842004


Bush, George W.

Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors.

New York: Crown Publishers, 2017. ND1329.B865A42017


Bush, George W.

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: George W. Bush [2002-2009].

Washington, D.C.: G.P.O.


Bush, George W.

State Of The Union Addresses.

Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2010.


Bush, George W.

The George W. Bush Foreign Policy Reader: Presidential Speeches with Commentary.

Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2005. 320p.


Bush, George W.

We Will Prevail: President George W. Bush on War, Terrorism, and Freedom.

New York: Continuum, 2003. 265p. E891.5.B8752003


Selected Writings


Adler, Bill, ed.

The quotable George W. Bush: A Portrait in his Own Words.

Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel Pub, 2004. 160p. E891.5. B872 2004


Gottlieb, Alan, ed.

George W. Bush speaks to America: Speeches.

Bellevue, Wash.: Merril Press, 2004. 130p. J82.E820

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